Dream weaver

Melbourne’s arts scene is always full of thrills and surprises, one of the latest being Souvenirs of Sleep, the most recent and ongoing project of prolific young artist and filmmaker Ling Ang that KDPO helped launch and promote. Consisting of a photobook and an immersive experience installation, Souvenirs of Sleep documents Ling’s lucid dreams, focussing…

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Play it live and play it loud

Live music is back, baby! While virtual gigs sustained us through 2020, it’s great to get back to experience music IRL (real life… remember that?).  Following the phenomenal success of last year’s live stream event Live, Loud and Local, KDPO once again jumped on board with Coopers Brewery and Live Nation Australasia to promote live…

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Special delivery

Melbourne loves Providoor, Shane Delia’s premium delivery service that brings food from some of Melbourne’s best restaurants to peoples’ homes.  Providoor has always been much more than just another delivery app – as it proved conclusively with a recent series of virtual masterclasses designed to celebrate key dates in the calendar, including Easter and Mothers’…

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Veggies are the new black

Something like a phenomeno(m) It’s what most parents dreams are made of. The answer to getting kids to eat (and love!) their veggies. The secret? Well, it’s a Phenomenom. Yep, you heard, Phenom-e-nom with an m. It’s a first of its kind food education program that’s broken things wide open when it comes to kids,…

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Cocktails and brunch? It’s only natural

CAPI released a new range of carbonated beverages that are completely free of artificial flavours and sweeteners. In other words, they’re good for you. Some might say cocktails for breakfast are bad for you. But if you make those cocktails using natural cucumber or lemongrass & ginger-infused CAPI then everything evens out. Probably.

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